Tuscany Trip

Tuscany Trip

The 10 days over March break offer the opportunity to take two classes at the same time in Italy. Students can decide to enroll in one class or take them both for a total of six credits. The first class is FTVP 3150 Topics in Film, Television and Video Production with professor Keith Strandberg. The second is one of two classes that alternate every other year: PHOT 2500 Photojournalism or PHOT 4000 Photo Workshop with professor Francesco Arese Visconti. 

The students and professors stay in an Agriturismo within Tuscany for a majority of the trip as well as visiting Pisa and Florence. Two days are spent walking on the Via Francigena, an ancient road and pilgrim route running from France to Rome. 

The purpose of the class is for students to learn the basics of filmmaking and journalism. They create short videos, as well as taking photos and writing blog posts about their experience. As it mainly covers basics the class is suitable for students of any experience level.

The Agriturismo

photo by Fernanda Faria Zagato 

Sunset view from the villa

photo by Sacha Allen

Francesco shooting on a Rolleiflex

photo by Zain Abbas

The Via Francigena

photo by Zain Abbas

Tuscan Trek - The Via Francigena

photo by Caitlyn Fish

Istanbul Trip

Istanbul Trip

Formerly Constantinople, Istanbul is a city of beauty, culture, and grace. Webster Geneva offers a unique class trip where students travel to this famous city. A gem located between Europe and Asia, it truly earns the title of “Crossroad of the World”.

The city has a long history of conquests and the legacy of past empires, emblematic of a world constantly at change. It is a place that combines eastern traditions and western customs. The Topkapi palace, for example, gives a glimpse of the lives and lavishness of the rulers of the Ottoman empire. The iconic Hagia Sophia began its existence as an Orthodox Cathedral, then transformed to a church during the Ottoman Empire. It is the mixture of cultures present in the city of Istanbul that can create hope for peace between different religions. 

Students that decide to take this class can expect to find their eyes opened to the diversity of the world as a whole, and the potential for beauty that can come from different cultures to push humanity into a better future.

Topkapi Palace

Hagia Sophia