created for you by the students of
Which Games to Play and Which to Avoid?
Video games have become a massive industry with immense popularity. Every year there are thousands of games being released from large publishers and small independent developers. With the current...
How to Make Waffles with Sour Cream and Berries
Why not try a new recipe while in quarantine? This video shows a step by step guide to preparing the yummiest waffles with sour cream and berries, which are also gluten free and will make a good...
My Quarantine Diary
Our lifestyles have changed dramatically in a matter of several months due to the spread of COVID-19. A majority of the politicians and public figures around the world have urged people to stay...
The bright lights turn to night after the sun sets. As day follows night, people are living their busy life. Hasty footsteps, rushing time, knitted brows, when will there be speed bumps to slow down...
“Word of Mouth” with Tim Young
An interview with Tim Young, the media technician at Webster, focusing on his creative work.
“Word of Mouth” with Francesco Arese Visconti
An interview with Francesco Arese Visconti, head of the Media and Photography Department at Webster, on changes at the school.
My Sweet Nalu
When I was ten years old, my family and I decided to get a dog and called him Nalu. We chose the Hawaiian name Nalu because when naming him there had been a tsunami on one of the Hawaiian islands,...
Powerpuff Painting Vlog
Powerpuff Girls Cap Quarantine has given me a lot of free time on my hands, so to stay sane I have turned towards books and art for the first time since high school. When I graduated high school I...
Virtual Learning or Virtually Learning?
Virtual Learning or Virtually Learning? Survey on Online Courses Due to the COVID-19 pandemic Webster University has moved to online classes for the whole of Spring 2 term. Physical classes...
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Webster students and professors share their conversations with the community
Meet the Artist – Didier Schwarz
On Feb. 4, the students from ARHS 2200 Current Art met with Didier Schwarz, who founded 1m83, an art collective whose mission it is to create innovative open-air exhibitions that bring culture and creativity to city dwellers’ everyday lives. For their final project,...
Meet the Artist – Christopher Gallego
On Thursday Jan. 21 2021, the students enrolled in the Current Art course met with the acclaimed New York-based realist painter Christopher Gallego, who spoke about his work and creative process. He also discussed his breathtaking painting “Interior with Three Rooms”...
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