created for you by the students of
Live Smart, Die Old
Younger siblings all around the world will surely understand the experience of having to ride on their older sibling’s reputations, as they followed in their footsteps through school. And if the...
The Rabbit Hole of Words
The Rabbit Hole of Words An Interview with Amanda Callendrier“I don't care what anybody thinks about my writing, but my shoes, that's really nice,” Amanda laughs at herself. Amanda Callendrier is...
Bee-ware of the Consequences…
Bees are dying, climate change is happening, and we’re still polluting. These may seem like separate issues, however, there all linked to one problem, us. Imagine a world without bees. No more...
This is a short student interview video exploring the theme of meditation. Firstly the students are asked if they have ever meditated and if they have to expand on their experience. There are...
Online Learning
Online learning has been a difficult transition. Many students have found online learning challenging change from being physically present at school to studying virtually. But how do our professors...
Dune (2021) Review
Dune has for years been called an “unfilmable” story due to its complexity and the depth required. The restrictions of only a few hours of screen time has taken its toll on many directors who have...
COVID-19 Art Gallery
The pandemic that we are all experiencing is a frightening and life-changing event. It's one of those stories that we will pass down to our grandchildren that will be part of our history. The...
Learning like Sisyphus
Writing is the bane of my fucking life. One of my first memories of school is arguing with my teacher about some writing assignment where we had to write about what we wanted to do when we were...
Meet The Artist – Dot Rogers
The students enrolled in ARHS 2200: Current Art proudly present this conversation with the Liverpool-based visual artist Dot Rogers, which took place on June 23rd. Dot spoke with us...
VICES A practice, behavior, or habit generally considered wrong or taboo in a society. A fault, negative character trait, or bad and unhealthy habits. For my vices project I decided to portray common and often overlooked vices in everyday life. The series...
Excuse Me, What Just Happened?
For my final project in Introduction to Media Production I had to create a short film with the prompt "Excuse Me, What Just Happened?" We had to combine knowledge that we had gained through the semester to showcase what we had learned. I decided to have a lot of fun...
How To Get Away With Murder Recreation
For an Introduction to Film class students had to choose a scene from any movie to show to recreate, in order to show their technique and editing skills. Ashli Sartorelli chose a powerful scene from How To Get Away With Murder, and these are the results! Enjoy!...
Webster students and professors share their conversations with the community
Interview on migration with Kristian Skeie
Kristian Skeie, a Norwegian, Swiss based award winning photojournalist, a contributor to Keystone SDA Photo Agency, working with a number of organisations and publications as well as private clients. Explored topics have focused on post war humanitarian...
Interview on migration with Kristian Skeie
Kristian Skeie, a Norwegian, Swiss based award winning photojournalist, a contributor to Keystone SDA Photo Agency, working with a number of organisations and publications as well as private clients. Explored topics have focused on post war humanitarian...
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