created for you by the students of

Meet the Artist – Taymour Grahne

Meet the Artist – Taymour Grahne

Organized in collaboration with Career Services of Webster University, this Career Talk – formatted as a presentation followed by a lively Q&A with an audience of students, staff and faculty —...

Meet the Artist – Didier Schwarz

Meet the Artist – Didier Schwarz

On Feb. 4, the students from ARHS 2200 Current Art met with Didier Schwarz, who founded 1m83, an art collective whose mission it is to create innovative open-air exhibitions that bring culture and...



VICES A practice, behavior, or habit generally considered wrong or taboo in a society. A fault, negative character trait, or bad and unhealthy habits.             For my vices project I decided to...

Excuse Me, What Just Happened?

Excuse Me, What Just Happened?

For my final project in Introduction to Media Production I had to create a short film with the prompt "Excuse Me, What Just Happened?" We had to combine knowledge that we had gained through the...

Meet the Artist – Christopher Gallego

Meet the Artist – Christopher Gallego

On Thursday Jan. 21 2021, the students enrolled in the Current Art course met with the acclaimed New York-based realist painter Christopher Gallego, who spoke about his work and creative process. He...

First Ascent: Falling for Climbing

First Ascent: Falling for Climbing

First Ascent Falling for Climbing   "Don't look down," Jay yelled up at me, his voice already far below.  Well, that’s not helpful, I thought. I couldn’t bring myself to look down anyway, I’d...

How To Get Away With Murder Recreation

How To Get Away With Murder Recreation

For an Introduction to Film class students had to choose a scene  from any movie to show to recreate, in order to show their  technique and editing skills. Ashli Sartorelli chose a powerful  scene...

Fleabag Recreation

Fleabag Recreation

For my Intro to Film class I had to do a scene recreation.  I chose a scene from Fleabag, which is one of the most well-written  shows I have seen in a long time. I tried to get a near shot for shot...

Combining Experimentals

Combining Experimentals

For their Introduction to Film class students had to combine footage from their experimental films with footage from their classmates and then re-edit them into new videos. These are the results. 



This is a short Experimental Film I have created with the intention of learning better how to edit videos. I wanted a creation that made no sense yet was entertaining at the same time. My base video is the video of me sitting in the shower. Once I had my base, the sky...

The Book

The Book

The Book,  a short experimental film by Ashli Sartorelli, created as a 5x5 for an introductory level film class. It represents the process of picking a book in an artistic way, using natural sound and a variety of shots.

Istanbul Street Life

Istanbul Street Life

Over October break I went to Istanbul with my roommate, who is a Turkish citizen. She was my guide through places that tourists don’t know about. I noticed quickly that the streets were covered with stray animals and my roommate informed me that in Turkey stray...

Webster students and professors share their conversations with the community

Meet The Artist – Dot Rogers

Meet The Artist – Dot Rogers

  The students enrolled in ARHS 2200: Current Art proudly present this conversation with the Liverpool-based visual artist Dot Rogers, which took place on June 23rd. Dot spoke with us about her commercial work (murals, window displays, visual branding), her...

Meet The Artist – Helen Molesworth

Meet The Artist – Helen Molesworth

Ever wondered what “pleochroism” or “chatoyancy” meant? On February 16, Meet the Artist and Career Services co-hosted a Career Talk with renowned gem expert Helen Molesworth, who gave us an overview of her 20-year long career in the jewellery industry. Helen’s...

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About Us

Welcome to the official page of the 78 Magazine, a student-led online platform of Webster University Geneva, offering exciting and quality content. Publishing thoughtful feature articles, podcasts, videos, and our students’ outstanding works of art. We encourage any members of Webster society to become a part of our online community that anyone can contribute to.